Take Charge of Your Career

In today’s extremely competitive and fast changing business world, wisdom dictates that people need to have a mind-set about their career that will help them to stay out no matter what the changing circumstances. Indeed the more proactive and self reliant they can become in their thinkings, the more likely they are to remain in control of their career destiny.  E&E Group's specialized self-awareness coaching helps create highly engaged, proactive and self reliant executives who can orient themselves to the changing career landscape and remain in control of their career destiny.

  • Develop a holistic point of view to career and life
  • Learn the value of self-reliance, pro-activity and strategic thinking in relation to career
  • Focus on important personal and workplace transitions and changes
  • Complete a systematic self-assessment of key values, accomplishments, competencies, personality factors, communication styles and engagement factors in work
  • Weigh career options and develop meaningful career goals, objectives and strategic action plans