Harrison Job Suitability Assessment provides a comprehensive job specific employment test related to attitudes, motivations, work values, engagement factors, interpersonal skills, and retention factors. The assessment formulas are based on 30 years of performance research and can be completely customized according to the job requirements. It can be used for recruitment as well as developing performance, engagement, retention and work satisfaction. It can be customized to measure any system of behavioral competencies providing an invaluable tool for developing or screening for behavioral competencies.

Taking pre-employment screening to a new level

Our award-winning pre-employment screening automatically sorts applicants according to their level of qualifications for specific jobs. The Harrison pre-employment screening system includes the following benefits;

  • Immediately identifies the most qualified applicants when they apply
  • Eliminates sorting through other resumes
  • Enables quick response to acquire top talent
  • Saves up to 70-80% of administration time
  • Reduces the number of interviews required
  • Reduces the cost of overall assessment
  • Enables quick and effective formulation of job requirements
  • Empowers HR professionals to be recognized as experts