E&E is the starter of Outplacement services in Turkey and has been active in outplacement and career consultancy services since 1996  as the leader in the market. The Company comprises a very competent group of Career Consultants who provide professional career enhancement and transition services to more than 350 international and large local companies and served more than 50,000 participants so far.

Individual programs for managers as well as specialty roles and group programs for office personnel and blue collar workers are available. Programs can be directed towards professional job search, starting own business or retirement.

All programs can be delivered physical or online.



We are committed to the international standards of outplacement and coaching.

All individuals who have involuntarily left their jobs because of workforce reduction, performance, factory closing, restructuring or mergers/acquisitions receive the same top quality career support to reach their next career destination in the fastest and easiest possible way. The outplacement program that E&E offers is the first and the most comprehensive one in Turkey, with its content, methodology and references.



E&E methodology relies greatly on personal support of senior consultants and use of technology to run a four stage comprehensive program:

*Managing Emotions

*Self Awareness and Assessment (experiences, achievements, personality)

*Preparation (CV, interview, references)

*Job Search Activities

A comprehensive work book provides good guidance to participants. A virtual office is also available where there are more than 50 job search site links. Participants who follow the methodology on average find new jobs 50% faster.

Each participant spends at least eight hours of face to face physical or online support This enables them to learn, practice, and apply the knowledge and skills needed to find the best position. Participants also benefit from the extensive experience that E&E Group has in recruitment. Participants who are planning to start their own businesses or retire, benefit from special support programs designed for them.